Saturday, September 6, 2014

the dream I didn't know I had

What began as a 'way to stay home', somewhere along the way, morphed into my dream come true job.

I have never been 'career-minded', never cared much as long as it let me live my life. And truthfully, that's all I thought this venture would be.

Now, when it feels tangible, everything is different.

I have moved past the heartache home search, layed the flooring, slowly collecting and re-purposing.

Tonight I worked on menu plans. Tonight I made lists of parent forms. Tonight I stood in the middle of the playroom, picturing it all. Tonight I saw the things I was worried about coming together so seamlessly.

I'm dreaming of fabric-scrap bunting, DIY play kitchens, sweet dress up corners, the coziest of reading spots. Of cubbies with names and handprints, smoothies and little pancakes for breakfast, dirty hands and faces in the yard, seasonal arts and crafts, laughter laughter laughter.

And mostly, I'm dreaming of nurturing little hearts and minds.

I've never felt more absolutely sure of anything I've ever done.

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