Friday, April 11, 2014

fearless constance

It takes a village. Not only to raise a child, but to live.
I am a fiercely to-a-fault independent. It's how I am wired. It takes great strength and humility and bravery for me to ask for help. Especially with the big stuff.

But I still. I reached out, and what boomeranged back was simple and sweet and heartfelt and shook it all up for me.

I've been big big struggling with the journey I'm on, with the path I've taken, and mostly all with the deep running rejection I feel.

All of this crap in my head and heart about why Eli's biological father isn't involved, and more more more my fears. It's...well, it's a product of why isn't he trying? I don't want him to, let's make that clear. I would turn into the most absolutely dangerous mama bear if he did. BUT. It is unfathomable to me that a father could not be effected by, could not want to know, his own flesh and blood. It is so insane to me that I just keep thinking he'll try. Yeah, guess what? He doesn't care.

Equal parts heartbreaking and liberating

So huge, unwavering gratitude to the beautiful women who responded to my heartfelt plea for simple understanding. To the women who lifted me, with simple words and a lot of love.

I will not hide, and fear will not rule me.

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