Saturday, August 24, 2013

check yourself

A million things run through my mind at night, with Eli peacefully sleeping by my side. But when I grab a few minutes and sit down to write...nothing.

I'm sort of just slogging through this past week or so. Not bad, exactly, but not good either.

I felt the hormonal shift happen -- another one! A bit low, a bit unmotivated. I sat and held him for an entire day. I think the realization of having to leave him to return to the working world hit in a very real way. And I just needed to hold him, same as some days he needs me to hold him.

Push through, for his sake and ultimately mine. Eli shows me how totally worth it everything is. His big grins and squeals, tummy time successes, and how much he's changing already. Those moments when I check myself, and just look into his eyes and share this love - those moments bring me back to earth, to my heart and soul.

Slog on, mama bear. Slog on.

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