Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Who am I, where am I?

I've written blogs for years. Since I was probably 13. I've had too many too count, and I like to make new ones. I think that's simply because I like to start over. Clean slate and all of that.

While, I don't really feel the need for a 'clean slate' (no regrets!), I did decide to take my blogging to a new level. A less personal and more global level. And by less personal, I don't mean my posts aren't going to be heartfelt and open and honest. They will be. That's how I write and who I am. I just think I'd like to re-define my past and write my story again, in clearer terms and to a bigger audience.

I am this:

A mother, a daughter, a sister, a best friend, a woman, a writer, an actor, a dreamer, and a do-er.

This is me:

This is my baby:

This is where I live:

I am a new mama of a darling baby boy. I couldn't be more in love. I live in a beautiful town, with beautiful people. My life is a constant surprise, always changing and challenging me, but I try my hardest to take it all in stride and with a smile.

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